What is an Interim Executive Manager?

Interim Managers are experienced senior executives within their functional discipline, willing to work on a short to medium term basis to fulfill a specific client need.

  • Command a wealth of experience in executive management functions.
  • Suited to successfully managing responsibilities in line management roles or on a project basis.

When to engage an Interim, Executive Manager?

Whenever there is a demand for executive level management to be engaged rapidly and with flexibility, and there is need for rapid, confidential implementations.

  • Classic Personnel Issues: In functions such as IT, Finance, Human Resources, Logistics, etc. – in order to bridge vacancies, supplement know how, or mentor key leaders.
  • Project Management: When experienced leadership is needed to ensure the on-time, on-budget completion of mission critical projects, or needed to free up your key resources for those critical projects.
  • Special Corporate Situations: IPO’s, restructuring, transformational projects, spin offs, integration of acquisitions.
  • Coaching, Mentoring, Consulting: New leaders in critical roles can benefit from the confidential coaching and mentoring of a seasoned professional from within their function.